Suave Review

I love to wash my hair with Suave shampoo. The cost is nice. Suave shampoo and conditioner leaves my hair feeling wonderful.

The Beginning

As I am writing this post I am thousands of miles in the air about to embark on an incredible journey.

This morning I left my son for the first time to go on a medical mission trip. When I asked him a few weeks ago if I should stay home- his reply was “no you can’t Jesus needs you to help people!” He is absolutely incredible and I will miss him so much and my husband while I am gone for the week.

However, Xavier summed it up better than anyone could and he is only 5.

Jesus needs us.

I will try to update as the week progresses but if not I will post after!

Please keep myself and my team in your prayers as we will be working in Haiti all week on a medical mission in our medical clinic.

Our next Journey

I would like to announce and invite you all to join us as our family of three becomes a family of more! Please join and follow us as we embark on our next adoption journey!

Our family adoption blog is:

And our Facebook page is:

We can’t wait for you to join as as we embark on our next adoption journey!

Snow White…


I cannot remember the last time I wore a Halloween costume.

My son told me that in order to take him trick-or-treating I had to wear a costume. He also told me that I had to dress up for his school Halloween party tomorrow too.

So, here I am. Snow White.

It was so cold and rainy this evening while we went trick-or-treating. We ended up being drenched.
At about 6:45pm, Xavier decided that he had enough candy and we went home. We changed our clothes and then went over to the church to help out. Xavier was handing out tracts and really not giving anyone a chance to say they didn’t want one. It was cute!

The church handed out about 500 hot dogs, plenty of chips and so much candy!

Time Spent is Time Gained

Today, Xavier had an appointment in Pittsburgh. Last week, I sent the ladies he used to live with a message (they are nuns) to tell them we would be stopping by. They invited us to dinner at their home.

I am so thankful for the time we get to spend with these two amazing ladies.

They were the ones who were their for my son before I could be. They were the ones who were there for him and changed his diapers. They were the ones who heard his first words. They were the ones who watched his first steps.

I am so thankful for that time spent with them. By spending time with them I gain so much time.



This afternoon, we went to the church where my husbands mother works. They were having a trunk-or-treat for the children.

Xavier had so much fun dressing up like a pirate and going to each of the cars to get candy!

Serving the Community



The greatest thing we can do is to serve others.

We are called to serve others.

This morning our church had a huge giveaway of clothes (partnering with Jessica’s Treasures), Coats and Bread. We were able to help so many people.

I’m very thankful that we were able to serve God by helping others.

Pain, Pain, Go Away

This morning I had to go to the Orthopedic Surgeon…again.
I went a few months ago because I was having shoulder pain. Well, it’s back. When I went before, he gave me a steroid shot to get rid of the pain. Today, he gave me another one. I also now have to go to Physical Therapy 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks, he says I can’t have any more steroid shots too.

I go back to the Orthopedic Surgeon on December 17th. If the pain is not gone, he will be sending me for a pre-op MRI and then surgery.

I’m simply praying the pain goes away.

To The Girl Who’s Going to Break My Son’s Heart

Such an incredible post! Worth the read!


I wish you could see him as a four-year-old boy on the playground last week. Maybe you would change your mind. He was playing with a couple of new school friends, a boy and girl. They’ve discovered a broken tree covered in colourful ribbons. It was lying on the ground across from the sandbox right by the school fence. They were fully engaged in the game, tying and untying the ribbons, treating what they were doing with the seriousness children reserve only for games.

Then I notice the tilt of the head and the furrowed brow. Chin and voice are raised an octave as he says “umm…” I am the number one world leading expert on his body language and I know exactly what this means. It’s a classical “I’m going to ask for something and I’ll be as polite as possible, because it’s very important that everyone loves me…

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Tis’ the season…for sickness…

This morning I got a call from my sons school. It was the school nurse calling. My son did not feel well. He rarely gets “sick” except for the periodic stuffy nose. But today was not a good day for him. He has some nasty stomach bug!

I hate seeing him like this….

The two of us are just cuddling on the couch and I’m trying to keep pushing fluids!

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